Saturday, May 15, 2010


As you know, school tries to help with the Mother's Day holiday by encouraging students to draw a picture; write a poem or tribute on pretty paper to be presented to Mom on Mother's Day.

Some items I have received have been thoughtful and some have been beautiful projects that I have faithly entered in the fair for my children - mostly resulting in blue ribbons... :)

This year Allisa wrote a tribute on pretty stationary and a wallet size picture of herself.

My Mom Rebecca

I like it when she
encourages me to do something
My mom can do
many things!  I think she
is best at cooking and sewing.

Mom you have a pretty
smile!  I like to watch you smile
when Alex says something wrong
in grammer, or uses the wrong word,
or wrong meaning.

Mom you are as pretty
as a rainbow just after it rains,
when the colers are bright.

My mom is special because
she cares for me
and she is nice.

Is nice because she cooks
for me she is my only
mom in the whole world.

Mom you are smart
you even know the seven
wonders of the world


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet! It reminded me of another child who wrote a tribute to his mother, when asked what she liked best: "Doing laundry. She does it all the time." Ha ha ha!