I was speaking with a good friend today who has been burdened with the weight of being a single mom who worries about how she will continue to provide for herself and her son. My heart was full of compassion and understanding as she expressed her desires. I understood the fear and concern that many of us face in this world.
While we were talking I felt prompted to share with her some of the things that I have come to know during my search for peace and security in this life.
I shared with her that she did not need to be afraid because:
"I believe events in our lives are divinely orchestrated. I also believe our deepest desires come to fruition when we believe that we deserve the best for ourselves and our loved ones."
She acknowledged her faith and devotion to Christian beliefs, yet has felt that it has been difficult to solely rely on God and his divine love. She has felt that she should be able to survive all on her own.
I told her: "God has a special love for his daughters. He will not let you be left alone and without means to provide for yourself and those you care for. He also listens to the pleading hearts of those who love him and trust him."
She shared with me her desires and what she really wants in her life.
I said: "Then that is what you pray for."
When we find ourselves in the same place as my friend, we sometimes don't see the hand of the Lord in our lives. We expect him to show us what we should do or where we should go. When we don't see the expected results we feel that God is not there.

Because we are divine daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us we have the assurance that he will provide for our needs and wants in this life. As righteous daughters we have also been promised that we will prosper in this land as long as we remain obedient to his commands and counsel.
I am grateful for the relationship I have with my Heavenly Father. I am grateful for the unbending knowledge of his great love for me and my family. Heavenly Father's love for his daughters is a divine tender mercy that brings peace and security to the weary soul.
May you know the tender mercies of the Lord toward you.
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